Guitar Lessons Pro by Domenick Ginex

Guitar Lessons Pro
by Domenick Ginex

Beginner and Intermediate eBooks
Sound clips
Guitar Chord Dictionary eBook
Licks and Tricks eBook
Playing the Blues, Basics and Beyond eBook

Suitable For:
Beginner , Intermediate , Advanced , Professional.
Not recommended for Children.

Compatible for both PC and Mac.

What is the lowest Price:

Download Version: $34.95

Physical Version: Not Available

Lowest price is available from the publisher, by clicking here.infobuy Guitar Lessons Pro by Domenick Ginex

RISK: Order and Money Back Gurantee

No Risk, Full money back guarantee.

Guitar Lessons Pro orders are processed by a 3rd party dedicated processor, over a secure and encrypted connection, so order and credit-card details are very safe and secure.
Guitar Lessons Pro offers a 12 months, No questions asked money back guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied, just send an email and receive a full refund. In addition, after you get your money back, you still get to keep the eBooks. The guarantee lacks the words “no questions asked” but is phrased in a non-ambiguous way and seems solid.

Still – this is REALLY our way of doing business. Two thumbs up!

What do we think:

Behind this product’s plain-vanilla website, is a top-rated product suitable for beginner to advanced guitarists. Although not as fully featured and comprehensive as Jamorama, it does teach in a straightforward manner how play the guitar, chords and tabs, and provides good insights for guitarists.

The program’s components are:

  • The Beginner and Intermediate eBooks and the sound clips form the basis of the program. The eBooks are well organized and together with the audio files that enable listening to how guitar chords sound like, provide solid training for beginners and intermediates.
  • The Guitar Chord Dictionary eBook is a list of guitar chords, similar to those given in all other good programs.
  • The Licks and Tricks eBook contains a nice assortment of licks and riffs, and is a good addition to this program.
  • The Playing the Blues, Basics and Beyond eBook deals with basic Blues playing. In addition, some attempt is made to progress to more advanced techniques. Although nice for beginners, we feel the book does not cover enough ground to be useful for intermediate and advanced guitarists.

All in all, Guitar Lessons Pro Ultimate Guitar Learning Toolkit is one of our favorite programs, and secures a place in our top-rated products reviews.

Product Site:
For more information about Guitar Lessons Pro or if you would like to order the course, click here.infobuy Guitar Lessons Pro by Domenick Ginex

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